South Florida Requires Solar Panels
IncSmart Florida (Small Business and Startups) - Building a new house in South Miami will now require builders to install solar panels.  This groundbreaking solar panel mandate is an advancement for affordable energy.  New homes larger than 1,100 square feet are now requires to install solar panels.  Housing includes single family homes, townhouses and multi-story residential buildings.  South Miami becomes the fourth U.S. city that requires new homes to be installed with solar panels. San Francisco, Lancaster, Sebastopol, and Santa Monica have similar solar energy building laws.

Solar panels reduces the cost of home ownership.  They also make houses sell faster.  The mandate will require home builders to hire more local employees.  The city is hoping the panels will reduce carbon emissions.  Some builders however believe the mandate will make housing more expensive.  South Miami is already an expensive city to live.  Opponents also argued that South Miami would force homeowners to spend $25,000 to install the solar panels.  Supporters reminds home owners that installation costs will be reduced by using the 30 percent federal tax credit, and the savings for homeowners in thousands of dollars a year in electricity.
By IncSmart Staff Writers

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