The Rot in the District of Columbia

The Rot in the District of Columbia

The Rot in the District of Columbia
Stolen Taxes

IncSmart District of Columbia (Small Business and Startups) - The Rot in the District of Columbia.  Who get's the America tax dollars.   The salary for the life of a US President, is $450,000 a year.  The salary for the life of a Senator or House Member, is $174,000 a year.  The salary of the life of the Speaker of the House, is $223,500 a year.  The salary for the life of a Majority or Minority Leader,  $194,400 a year.   
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IncSmart Changes Washington Cities

IncSmart Changes Washington Cities

IncSmart Changes Washington Cities

Dangerous Neighborhoods

IncSmart Washington (Small Business and Startups) -IncSmart changes Registered Agent services in Washington cities for all Agent and Registered Addresses.  The Seattle neighborhoods are becoming too dangerous to be open for business.  The Seattle city council and government seem to have a darker idea about the safety of Seattlelites.  The city is rampant with crime and is uninhabitable at nightfall.  With the growing homeless population and the steady stream of outside rioters, the safety of employees is in question.
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American Airlines Layoffs in North Carolina

American Airlines Layoffs in North Carolina

American Airlines Layoffs in North Carolina

Job losses start October 1

IncSmart North Carolina (Small Business and Startups) - American Airlines has announced furloughs and layoffs in North Carolina that could reach 3000 employees.  Wake County will have 700 employee losses alone.  Many losses will be permanent.  The hardest hit work group will be the flight attendants.  Over 30% of flight attendants will loose their jobs.  In addition to North Carolina, over 25,000 employees nationwide are scheduled to be let go.  
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Anti Business in New Jersey

Anti Business in New Jersey

Anti Business in New Jersey

Murphy support for Small Business Erodes

IncSmart New Jersey (Small Business and Startups) - Anti Business in New Jersey as the tax incentives have expired.   Many of New Jersey companies have been hampered by the state to compete on the world stage.  Murphy is also planning to borrow $10 billion dollars to support the state after the tax revenue has dried up.  Taxes are also being increased for residents on top of the increase for business. 
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Catfish Sales Mississippi

Catfish Sales Mississippi

Catfish Sales Mississippi

Moving Sales from Restaurants to Grocery

IncSmart Mississippi (Small Business and Startups) - Catfish sales to Mississippi restaurants is way down.   The prices have stayed relatively stable but the consumption is down because of the Wuhan Virus.  The price of catfish is running about $1 per pound.  Over $200 million dollars is generated by Mississippi from these farms.  Mississippi also leads the country in catfish production and numbers 4000 pounds of catfish per acre of ponds.  
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Oklahoma Oil Turmoil

Oklahoma Oil Turmoil

Oklahoma Oil Turmoil

Cushing & Keystone

IncSmart Oklahoma (Small Business and Startups) - Oklahoma Oil Turmoil.   Five (5) Oklahoma tribes have say over Eastern Oklahoma oil fields after the Supreme Court decision.  With this decision, the tribes have inherited new problems.  A crash in oil prices, bankruptcies and business layoffs.  25% of Oklahoma's gas wells are on the reservations of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole nations.        

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Testing Virus in Connecticut Nursing Homes

Testing Virus in Connecticut Nursing Homes

IncSmart Connecticut (Small Business and Startups) - Testing Virus in Connecticut nursing homes takes a turn on Governors notice.  Since state funding for testing is running out, the governor is limiting the number of times a  health care worker can be tested.  State funding runs out at the end of August.  Lamont is not following the guide lines of the CDC.
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Dredging Port of Alaska

Dredging Port of Alaska

IncSmart Alaska (Small Business and Startups) - Dredging the Port of Alaska continues despite the Wuhan Virus.  The dredging continues from May to November each year, and is conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers.  The port is ice free during these months.  The Port of Alaska has the largest tidal fluctuation anywhere in the world.  

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Puerto Rico Air Travel Loss

Puerto Rico Air Travel Loss

IncSmart Puerto Rico (Small Business and Startups) - Puerto Rico air travel loss.  The drop of travel is jus under 80%.  Business and leisure travel is not expected to return for quite some time.  Just over 200,000 passenger in June 2020 compared to just under 900,000 passengers in June 2021.  Most current travel is domestic only.  

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Illinois Electric Cars

Illinois Electric Cars

IncSmart Illinois (Small Business and Startups) - Illinois Electric Cars.  Electric truck maker Rivian has raised $2.5 billion dollars for it's truck plant in Normal Illinois.  These vehicles will be available in 2021.  The new trucks and SUVs will travel over 400 miles on one electric charge.  Normal is 130 miles southwest of the city of Chicago.  

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Tax Breaks for Louisiana

Tax Breaks for Louisiana

IncSmart Louisiana (Small Business and Startups) - Tax breaks for Louisiana.  As Louisiana lawmakers worry about the huge loss of tax revenue, they hare hoping the breaks to small business will spur more companies to stay open and hire.  With the new closures of business taking effect, this will help the ones struggling the most.  The more business that close, the more tax revenue disappears.  

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Arizona Ready for USMCA

Arizona Ready for USMCA

IncSmart Arizona (Small Business and Startups) - Arizona ready for USMCA.  A highly anticipated change from NAFTA.  New changes include Mexico pay $16 an hour for automobile manufacturing, and new environmental standards.  The pay increase Mexico must pay will likely bring more manufacturing back to America.  The US is also looking at how to monitor Mexican environmental practices, and how to enforce the new regulations.  

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Destruction of Minnesota

Destruction of Minnesota

IncSmart Minnesota (Small Business and Startups) - The destruction of Minnesota was caused by rioters that were given the green light by the mayor and the governor.  Hundreds of millions of dollars will be needed  just to reopen some of the areas that have been completely burned out.   This damage was caused after the protests for George Floyd.  The rioting and the looting was allowed to continue out of fear by top Minnesota political figures.  

Governor Tim Walz was asking for money from the Federal government to help rebuild the city of Minneapolis.  But the Federal Government has yet to send any relief money to the Twin Cities.  More than 1500 buildings were allowed to be torched and vandalized.  Walz was asking for more than $500 million dollars from FEMA. The Federal Aid has of course been denied, as Walz has considered any help from the Federal Government to be an occupying force.  
By Sandy Roberts

Starting a Business in Minnesota

For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form Minnesota Corporations and Minnesota Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, instant message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention.  We are very excited about helping you form your new company.  Each state is so different when it comes to filing documents, you will know right away you are in the right place.


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Trump Sends Aid to Maine

Trump Sends Aid to Maine

IncSmart Maine (Small Business and Startups) - Trump sends aid to Maine.  The Department of Agriculture is offering a lifeline to the state of Maine and it's lobster industry.  The farm bailout for Midwest farmers will now include fishing companies in Maine.  The lobster industry supports thousands of Maine citizens.  

Trump's tariff war with China has caused an increase in the price of Maine's lobsters.  China is charging a 35% markup and started buying Canadian lobsters.  However, Maine is still holding on to the Lobster Festival, including the crowning of the Sea Goddess.  The Main Lobster Festival has held the Sea Goddess coronation since 1948.  The coronation will be held August 8.  Please wear masks and practice social distancing.  
By IncSmart Staff Writer

Starting a Business in Maine - Maine Corporation - Maine LLC

For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form Maine Corporations and Maine Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, text, message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention.  Small business is the heart of IncSmart.  #incsmart

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