Uranium Stockpiles in Utah
Posted by Staff Writer on 2/16/2020 to
Energy Industry
Uranium Stockpiles in Utah
Trump Budget Proposal
IncSmart Utah (Small Business and Startups) - Uranium stockpiles are planned for Utah. The Utah uranium industry is being given a new chance to compete with foreign cheap imports. The Trump budget includes a $1.5 billion dollar grant to help the industry. Uranium Oxide or Yellowcake, has seen a drop in production in the year 2018. The Yellowcake is used to make nuclear fuel rods. The production is at a 70 year low at the same time over 90 nuclear reactors in the US is buying its current yellowcake from Russia. Russia is dumping yellowcake on the global market dropping the price of Uranium. Russia yellowcake production undermines America's national security.
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