Virginia Builds Wind Turban Blades
Posted by Staff Writer on 10/26/2021 to
Energy Industry
Virginia Builds Wind Turban Blades
Portsmouth Marine Terminal
IncSmart Virginia (Small Business and Startups) - Portsmouth Marine Terminal to receive investment for manufacturing plant. This is part of it's offshore wind power hub in Virginia.
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California Oil Spill
Posted by Staff Writer on 10/5/2021 to
Energy Industry
California Oil Spill
The cleanup begins
IncSmart California (Small Business and Startups) - The real cost of California's oil spill is tourism, fishing and the local small business along the coast of Huntington Beach. As the governor announces a State of Emergency, the Coast Guard has launched boats using booms and skimmers.
Hawaii Makes Energy from Waves
Posted by Staff Writer on 9/29/2021 to
Energy Industry
Hawaii Makes Energy from Waves
The Blue New Deal
IncSmart Hawaii (Small Business and Startups) - Hawaii is making history with it's one of a kind energy platform that can produce energy from waves. In partnership with the Department of Energy, this wave/energy platform will be located at the Kaneohe Hawaii Marine Corp Base.
Texas Oil Prices Skyrocket
Posted by Staff Writer on 5/11/2021 to
Energy Industry
Texas Oil Prices Skyrocket
Americans Feel the Pain
IncSmart Texas (Small Business and Startups) - Americans are feeling the pain at the pump under the new administration. From 100% independence in energy to gas shortages since the election. Gas pumps have increased in some areas over $1 a gallon with no relief in sight. To the driving vacationers, stay home. The holiday season will change for most families.
Oklahoma Oil Turmoil
Posted by Staff Writer on 7/18/2020 to
Energy Industry
Oklahoma Oil Turmoil
Cushing & Keystone
Uranium Stockpiles in Utah
Posted by Staff Writer on 2/16/2020 to
Energy Industry
Uranium Stockpiles in Utah
Trump Budget Proposal
IncSmart Utah (Small Business and Startups) - Uranium stockpiles are planned for Utah. The Utah uranium industry is being given a new chance to compete with foreign cheap imports. The Trump budget includes a $1.5 billion dollar grant to help the industry. Uranium Oxide or Yellowcake, has seen a drop in production in the year 2018. The Yellowcake is used to make nuclear fuel rods. The production is at a 70 year low at the same time over 90 nuclear reactors in the US is buying its current yellowcake from Russia. Russia is dumping yellowcake on the global market dropping the price of Uranium. Russia yellowcake production undermines America's national security.
French Gas Company Moving to Nevada
Posted by Staff Writer on 11/2/2019 to
Energy Industry
French Gas Company Moving to Nevada
The French Are Coming
IncSmart Nevada (Small Business and Startups) - French gas company is moving to a North Las Vegas industrial park named Apex Industrial Park. The Apex location is also receiving a $58 million dollar freeway expansion project. The 5 mile stretch of US 95 from North Las Vegas to Apex. North Las Vegas City officials are expecting Apex to bring in 20,000 to 60, 000 workers when the location is fully developed with the water pipeline.
Louisiana Natural Gas Facility
Posted by Staff Writer on 5/16/2019 to
Energy Industry
Louisiana Natural Gas Facility
Trump's America First Policy
IncSmart Louisiana (Small Business and Startups) - Louisiana natural gas facility opened by Sempra Energy to begin production to liquify natural gas for export. The new, $10 billion dollar plant has sold all of it's production for the next 20 years at it's massive export terminal. Sempra is estimating 12 million tons of Natural Gas per year will flow through the new facility. Sempra Energy is a San Diego based Corporation.
Tenaska Closes Financing for Missouri Project
Posted by Staff Writer on 4/21/2019 to
Energy Industry
Tenaska Closes Financing for Missouri Project
Wind Project in Nodaway County
IncSmart Missouri (Small Business and Startups) - Tenaska closes financing for Missouri project in Nodaway County. The wind project in Clear Creek Energy Center is under construction. The wind farm will become operational later this year. Tenaska is based in Omaha Nebraska. Commercial operations are scheduled to start in 2020. Tenaska will build and operate the wind farm. The onshore wind farm chose Nodaway because of its high wind location.
Texas Ends Reliance on Foreign Oil
Posted by Staff Writer on 12/7/2018 to
Energy Industry
Texas Ends Reliance on Foreign Oil
American is now an Oil Exporter
IncSmart Texas (Small Business and Startups) - Texas helps America ends it's reliance on foreign oil. President Trump is calling America Energy Independent. New Mexico, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania have helped. The Trump administration has put America on top after 75 years, after a sharp drop in imported oil. OPEC now is talking with the Trump team after it's power in the energy market is shrinking. If they cut oil prices as the administration is asking, they will loose more market share.
Iowa Gets Ethanol Directive
Posted by Staff Writer on 10/10/2018 to
Energy Industry
Iowa Gets Ethanol Directive
Farmers Get Boost For Domestic Corn
IncSmart Iowa (Small Business and Startups) - Iowa gets ethanol directive from President Trump. Trumps deregulation plans also calls for agriculture, when he wants to see year round sales of gasoline that includes ethanol, which was a campaign promise. The new directive will allow ethanol increase of up to 15%. The gas is called E15 had been banned from the summer months, from June through September, because of concerns about smog. He will direct the Environmental Protection Agency to write a rule that will allow ethanol year round. The new rule will be fast tracked for next summers driving season.
Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline
Posted by Staff Writer on 7/10/2018 to
Energy Industry
Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline
The Permian Highway Pipeline
IncSmart Texas (Small Business and Startups) - Houston based Kinder Morgan announces new Texas pipeline from the Permian Basin. The $2 billion dollar project will transport natural gas from Permian Basin to Houston, Corpus Christi and Mexico. The Permian Highway Pipeline. The pipeline is expected to be in service by 2020.
Petroteq Updates Utah Facility
Posted by Staff Writer on 5/23/2018 to
Energy Industry
Petroteq Updates Utah Facility
Development of Utah Oil Sands
IncSmart Utah (Small Business and Startups) - Petroteq Energy expands it's plant in Vernal Utah for Asphalt Ridge Heavy Oil extraction. All systems at the plant are fully functional for the May commercial production date. Petroteq Energy is a Canadian registered LLC with offices in Toronto and Los Angeles. It's initial plant will be in Vernal Utah. Utah has over 30 billion barrels of undeveloped oil fields.
Jinko Solar Invests in Florida
Posted by Staff Writer on 3/28/2018 to
Energy Industry
Jinko Solar Invests in Florida
Jacksonville to Receive 800 New Jobs
IncSmart Florida (Small Business and Startups) - Chinese manufacturer, Jinko Solar, is finalizing plans on investing millions in Florida. The plans include building a factory in Jacksonville FL at 4660 New World Ave. These plans were announced a week after the Trump Tariffs were announced. The President wants the Chinese solar panel firm to make more of their products in America. The city and state are still finalizing the incentive package. City council documents show a pledge of $410 million.