California Self Destructing Technology
IncSmart California (Small Business and Startups) - When you or someone you know, wants to move on a more secure or personal messaging application, you can choose among several self destructive messaging companies.  Encrypted messages will self-destruct once they are read. Some apps force users to drag fingers across one line of the private message at a time.  This will  make it difficult for users to create screenshots.

Confide messages self-destruct. Confide is  growing in popularity following reports of Trump using it.  After they are read once, they are gone. The get deleted them from the servers and wiped from the device. Now customers can not forward, printing, or save. 

Snap mobile app developer is expected to be the largest IPO ever for a Los Angeles company. Snap started as a self-destructing photo messaging app, but has grown with new features for texting, video sharing and news.

By Pat Turner

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