Posted by Staff Writer on 3/6/2018 to
Politics and Economy
IncSmart California (Small Business and Startups) - And the winner is... California. 500 CEOs from across America, have said for eleven years in a row, that California is the worst state in the union to run a company. This appears to be an reward the California relishes. Instead of the government making improvements to the last place finish, they have kept thing at least the same for the past eleven years.
Owners of California businesses have said the regulations that the state imposes, are job killers. Small companies and startups are unable to bare the costs. Texas continues to be the preference for business moving away from California. Since 2007, Texas gained 1.2 million net jobs, while only 700,000 net jobs were created in the other 49 states combined. Florida has moved up to the number 2 spot. New York remains the second worst. Both California and New York scored negative marks for high taxes, regulations and poor workforce quality.
Written by IncSmart Staff
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