Posted by Staff Writer on 7/18/2017 to
Sports Business
IncSmart Texas (Small Business and Startups) - Cricket is coming to America. Outside of India, the U.S. is the second highest viewership worldwide. Development begins with of eight stadiums being built. The first eight cities will be in Texas, California, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Washington D.C., New Jersey and New York. The Texas stadium will be in Dallas. Locations are chosen on whether the sport is already has established. The first look was for the highest neighborhoods with Indian populations. The Dallas Cricket League already has more than 100 local sports teams.
The cost estimates for the Dallas stadium will be a combined $2.4 billion to build. and will include the stadium and parking, and mixed use neighborhoods. These neighborhoods will include restaurants, hotels, office and retail space. These developments will create 17,000 jobs. The stadium would be the retail complex's anchor.
By IncSmart Staff Writer
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