South Carolina Self Flying Planes
IncSmart South Carolina (Small Business and Startups) - Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer will start testing self flying technology in cockpit this summer.  The announcement was made at the Paris Air Show on Monday.  Being hyped as artificial intelligence, these computers making decisions normally made by pilots.  Computers are already controlling airplanes during take off, cruise and landing.  Airbus is currently working on self driving flying cars.  They soon will be testing single seated flying taxis by the end of 2017.  Self flying drones are now available for less than $1,000.  The technology is here already.

South Carolina Boeing plant employees are voting against unions.  In step with North Charleston rezoning, Boeing is enjoying it's move from the state of Washington.  Huge orders and tentative deals are coming to Boeing. for the Dreamliners.  Boeing will decide this fall whether to increase the production rate for Dreamliners in South Carolina.
By David Oliver

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