Starting a Business in New York
For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form New York Corporations and New York Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, text, message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention. Small business is the heart of IncSmart.
We are very excited about helping you form your new company. Each state is so different when it comes to filing documents, you will know right away you are in the right place.
Speak with IncSmart Phone: 888-681-9777 Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm PT |
Jerry in Jersey
Pink Sheets is a daily publication of bid-ask stock quotations for companies unable or unwilling, for one reason or another, to be listed on a major, national exchange. The Pink Sheets name came about because historically, the paper the quotes were printed on was pink. The fact that Pink Sheets is a quotation service and not an exchange requires investors to do their due diligence before trading in these over-the-counter (OTC) stocks. Investors should follow several rules to ensure the investments are sound and the purchase or sale of a stock are at expected prices. Read more: Use Caution Trading Pink Sheet Stocks | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook