Posted by David Oliver on 7/21/2015 to
IncSmart Products
IncSmart Nevada (Small Business and Startups) - DBA - doing business as, is a registration showing that an individual, company or organization is conducting business under a different name. DBA's are also called fictitious names, assumed names and trade as names. It is required by Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 602.010) that every person doing business in the state of Nevada under an assumed or fictitious name that is different from the legal name of each person who owns an interest in the business must file with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is being conducted a certificate containing the information required by the above Nevada Revised Statute.
When your business is registered under one name and you want to conduct business under a different name, you must file a DBA. DBA's can be used in contracts and opening bank accounts. DBAs are not the legal name of the legal person who owns the business, but is responsible and liable.
There are many reasons when a DBA is used.
1. Name not available when registering with the state.
2. Name to be registered by a business partner
3. Products within a company
4. Franchisee agreements for national brand names
Filing DBAs are simple. Establish your business or product to protect your name and services. Most DBAs only need to renew every 4 to 5 years depending on the state. There are no yearly fees. When you want to stop using the DBA, just don't renew it.
By David Oliver
Starting a Business in Nevada - Nevada Corporation - Nevada LLC
For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form Nevada Corporations and Nevada Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, instant message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention. We are very excited about helping you form your new company. Each state is so different when it comes to filing documents, you will know right away you are in the right place. #incsmart
How to form Nevada Corporation - Link
How to form Nevada LLC - Link
How to appoint Nevada Registered Agent - Link
How to pay Nevada Annual Report - Link
How to amend articles for INCs and LLCs - Link
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