Posted by Pat Turner on 5/9/2017 to
Politics and Economy
IncSmart California (Small Business and Startups) - What can you get for $524 in draught stricken California? 30 million gallons of water. Common sense is missing from California politics. The Forest Service is finally reviewing Nestle's permit. Backlash from citizens is growing to have this contract reviews for the first time in 30 years. Public spring water is a natural resources, and should not be given to Nestle.
Nestle is the world's top bottled water producer. It's spring water collection is in the San Bernardino Mountains of Los Angeles. Tanker trucks load and transport this water to a plant where it is bottled. Bottled water sales are up and Nestle is having a problem meeting customer demand.
By Pat Turner
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Bill SF
Governor Moonbeam is a moron.