Posted by Staff Writer on 3/9/2018 to
Business Opportunities
IncSmart Ohio (Small Business and Startups) - Republic Steel with headquarters in Canton , plans on opening Ohio plant after President Trump announced tariffs. The plan is to restart the facility in Lorain Ohio to prepare for an anticipated growth for demand across the nation after President Trumps announcement. Tariffs are often used as a last resort, but the domestic steel industry has reached that point. Chinese steel has flooded the outside it's borders and roiled the global market, affecting steel mills and workers everywhere.
This could result in Republic bringing back over 1,000 jobs to its Lorain facility. Republic believes it will take a few months to train and hire employees, and to restart the idle equipment. The blast furnace that's been idle since 2016. The furnace is capable of producing 1 million tons of pig iron annually could be operating at the mill by the end of 2018.
Written by IncSmart Staff Writer
Starting a Business in Ohio
For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form Ohio Corporations and Ohio Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, instant message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention. We are very excited about helping you form your new company. Each state is so different when it comes to filing documents, you will know right away you are in the right place.
How to form Ohio Corporation - Link
How to form Ohio LLC - Link
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