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  2. Legal Conditions
You certify that you are eighteen (18) years old or older, that all information provided to IncSmart is accurate and true, and that IncSmart, may rely on this information to perform its filing services.
You also declare under penalty of perjury that you have in your records a signed document containing the consent of the person or entity named as registered agent to serve in that capacity, if you do not use our Registered Agent service.  You understand that the corporation must keep the signed consent document in its records and must produce the document on request.
These Conditions will supersede any terms and/or conditions you include with any purchase order, regardless of whether IncSmart.biz Inc signs them or not. We reserve the right to make changes to this site and these Conditions at any time.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, Clark County without reference to principles of conflict laws.  In the event that a legal dispute arises pursuant to the agreement, all lawsuits must be filed in Clark County Nevada, to the exclusion of any other state.