Google Real Estate in New York
IncSmart New York (Small Business and Startups) - Google is expanding its real estate in New York.  The new property is in Hudson Square in Manhattan on Washington and Hudson Street.  The building is called St. Johns Terminal.  The investment of just under 2 billion dollars next to the entrance of the Holland Tunnel, and will occupy 2 million square of office space.  They hope to occupy the Hudson Street property by 2020.  US business is under pressure from President Trump to create more jobs domestically.  

Earlier this year, Alphabet Inc's Google purchased the Chelsea Market Building on  8th Avenue for 2.4 billion dollars, and will expand to Pier 57.  This should double the number of employees Google currently has.  Google will become New York City's 6th largest tenant in it's quest to grow outside of the San Francisco bay area.  The new location will be the main anchor for its advertising and sales division for the Global Business Organization.  
By IncSmart Staff Writer

Starting a Business in New York

For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form New York Corporations and New York Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, text, message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention.  Small business is the heart of IncSmart. 

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