Delaware Service of Process
IncSmart Delaware (Small Business and Startups) - How to choose a Registered Agent for your business.  Every corporation and limited liability company, in each state, is required to designate a registered agent or list a registered address. Corporations and LLCs  are, legally, their own, separate entity, and can thus be sued and presented with legal service. In order to facilitate the legal service of process, each state requires corporations and LLCs to give the name and address of a party where the documents can be delivered. Many other entities send important business compliance and tax information to the designated registered agent as well.

What to look for in your Registered Agent

  • Registered Agent Office: The registered agent office regular business hours.
  • State Compliance: Reminders of state fees and taxes.
  • Mail Forwarding:  All mail from Federal, State and Local government offices. 
  • Anonymity: For States asking only for Registered Office Address.
  • Membership Logins: Checking your account online for annual reports and fees
  • Moral Turpitude: Business relations with customers, employees, competitors and states.

When do you need a Registered Agent

Our confidential and secure order form takes only minutes to complete. So if your starting the process of any of these activities, contact for your Registered Agent

  • Forming a Corporation in America
  • Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in America
  • Expanding Your Business to America
  • Opening an Office in America
  • Bidding on a Construction Project in America
  • Bidding on a Government Contract in America
  • Moving Real Estate out of your name
  • Applying for License Regulated by the state
  • Forming Foreign Qualification to Do Business in a different state

Acting as Your Own
It is possible to act as the Registered Agent for your business. Every state allows corporate officers to be named as registered agents and, as long as you live in the state you do business. If you choose to be your own agent, you must be available to receive paperwork during normal business hours, 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. The address of a registered agent is public, you should never list your home address.
Choosing a Friend
Any resident of the state you do business in can be a registered agent – they just can’t list a P.O Box as their address. Accountant, lawyer, or any of its corporate officers can also act as the registered agent for your business.  Attorneys and CPAs fees may be prohibitive for small and start up companies. 

Hiring a Commercial Agency
Commercial agencies can provide your business with registered agent services.  If you run businesses in multiple states, or if your business was formed in a state you aren’t a resident of, having an agency qualified to serve as an RA in every, single state can really simplify matters.  Your choice of a Registered Agent is not irreversible.  You can change your agent at any time. 

Think Smart.  Think IncSmart.

Speak with IncSmart
Phone: 888-681-9777
Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm PT

Registered Agent Services




Date 5/17/2016


Date 10/25/2016

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