Arizona Bill of Rights
IncSmart Arizona (Small Business and Startups) - Arizona lawmakers create Small Business Bill of Rights which would rein in regulations. This is in response to state regulators bullying small businesses.    Arizona lawmakers want to require agencies to list owners’ rights on their websites and present them prior to any investigation.   This bill will help to educate small business as to what their rights are , and how they can work with government.

HB 2260 requirements:

• Each regulatory agency would post a Small Business Bill of Rights on its website.

• Prior to any enforcement, state regulators would present a business’ representative with the Bill of Rights and obtain a signature confirming the representative understands the rights.

• Each regulatory agency would be required to report complaints annually to the Arizona Ombudsman-Citizens’ Aide.

• The Arizona Ombudsman-Citizens’ Aide would report the information to the Governor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting, Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.

By Sandy Roberts

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