Amazon to Open Warehouse in New York
IncSmart New York (Small Business and Startups) - E commerce giant Amazon, is opening a fulfillment center on the west shore of Staten Island.  They should be moving into the 1 million square foot industrial park by the end of the summer.   They art taking one of four planned warehouses on a site owned by Matrix Global Logistics Park, a former oil tank storage facility off Gulf Avenue.  This is Amazons first mega warehouse in New York. 

The industrial park could bring in 3,000 employees.  This will give local residents the opportunity to work here in their home borough instead of seeking jobs Manhattan, Brooklyn and New Jersey.  Despite the excitement about the jobs, Amazon is planning to use robots and drones at the warehouse to reduce labor costs. April 2017 has the unemployment rate in Staten island is 4.0%. 
By Sandy Roberts

Starting a Business in New York

For 10 years, Business Services has helped companies and people from all over the world form New York Corporations and New York Limited Liability Companies. When you call, email, text, message or live chat with our office, expect personal attention.  Small business is the heart of IncSmart. 

We are very excited about helping you form your new company.  Each state is so different when it comes to filing documents, you will know right away you are in the right place. 


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